The China Food Alliance, also called "Pin", promotes and preserves authentic Chinese culinary traditions, strengthens cooperation between Chinese restaurants and local businesses, improves the quality and visibility of Chinese cuisine and promotes cultural exchange between China and Switzerland.

Our main focuses

  • Overcoming cultural barriers and improving understanding of the respective cultures
  • Establishing business relationships between Chinese restaurants and local suppliers as well as access to fresh, local products
  • Creating market access for manufacturers from the gastronomy industry to the respective markets

What is the idea behind the China Foods Alliance®?

The idea of the China Foods Alliance® comes from our extensive experiences with the Chinese gastronomy sector in marketing and branding. Recognizing the multifaceted needs of restaurants, we maintain strong ties with the Chinese communities in Switzerland and China. Our primary objective is to enhance the perception of Chinese food culture, thus giving rise to the China Foods Alliance®.


The China Foods Alliance® serves as the ambassador of Chinese culinary culture


  • Offering knowledge and insights into Chinese culinary culture
  • Improving public perception of Chinese culinary culture
  • Creating new business opportunities
  • Enhancing culinary diversity in Switzerland.